Dementia is a common mental illness that affects an individual’s cognitive abilities. It includes a wide range of symptoms, including communication skills, mind and memory. This is a type of condition that can affect the elderly mostly. However, this may also happen for youth. Dementia is a disease, but there are numerous symptoms associated with various underlying conditions. Statistics from the Centre for Dementia Statistics show that 55 million people around the world are living with dementia. There is also an all-time high of 10 million new cases per year.
Causes and Risk Factors
There are various causes for insanity followed by underlying conditions.
- Lewy Body dementia
- Vascular dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Frontotemporal dementia
Sometimes dementia can occur because of a combination of certain ailments. Other risk factors can lead to an increased risk of dementia.
- It is linked to family history.
- Lifestyles such as exercise and diet
- Depression
- Social isolation
- Obesity and overweight
- Excessive alcoholism
Symptoms of Dementia
The symptoms of dementia depend upon the progress of the stage and the underlying cause. In the early stages of dementia, each person suffers from different symptoms. However, some commonly occurring symptoms of dementia include:
• Loss of memory – cannot recall current situations.
• Being confused about places and times – not communicating or having trouble finding the right word for something.
• Being confused with locations and times – not knowing where they are.
• Sudden and indisputable mood changes.
At the advanced stage of dementia, the symptoms can change but they can be more noticeable. Some advanced-stage symptoms are:
• Aggressive behaviour, not physical or verbal in nature.
• Sleep problems – change sleep habits and are unable to sleep properly.
• Confused: cannot recognise family members.
Treatment for dementia
There is no recommended treatment for patients with dementia. There are different strategies you can try to deal with and manage dementia for a quality life.
Active lifestyle
A patient with dementia needs to engage in cognitive activities to stimulate his or her brain. Blood pressure control medicine may prevent other damage to the human brain. Individuals living with dementia are given a chance to live independently. There should be a self-care plan. It can be helpful in controlling other symptoms.
• They should never smoke or drink.
• There must be a reminder to keep from forgetting.
• They should have time with friends and loved ones.
• Take care of their favourite games and hobbies.
Impact on family members and friends
Dementia can not only affect someone; it also has a major impact on caregivers and family members. Family members must care for their loved ones who are physically and emotionally exhausted. They should be aware of the changes that dementia has caused. It can cause personality injury and they can put pressure on their relationship because of their behavioural conflict.
Family members are responsible for providing support. This will positively affect an individual’s personality. If you don’t know how to start with a person with dementia, there are many online resources. It can assist and guide those living with UK dementia.
At UK Care Staffing LTD, we have trained and experienced support and medical support staff to help people with dementia. Provide care for persons living with dementia in residential and hospital settings. Take a look at our services and contact us at 07931681535 if you need a caring staff for your loved ones